Dedicated Programs
At its core, the Negotiating Solutions® workshop is a business effectiveness and culture change program. Running dedicated programs lets you use it toward these ends.
Internal Counterpart-Matching Programs. Some companies run programs for networks of their own people. When people work on teams with their real-life counterparts, increased understanding and respect are major and lasting spin-off benefits. Clients map the value streams their people work within and invite counterparts to attend the same program. Aspects of the program can readily be incorporated into planning processes, procedures, metrics, and managerial coaching. For example, master black belts attend with their operations clients to shape projects that not only meet the needs of the business but also satisfy the needs of the operations managers, or to link "islands of lean" into archipelagos. Or union officers and shop stewards can attend with their management and supervisory counterparts to change the working relationship between employee groups and management and to craft and implement contracts better for both.
External Counterpart-matching Programs. We urge you to discover the benefit of inviting your entire value stream to attend the workshop together. Corporate partner suppliers, internal and external customers, and alliance partners work on teams with their real-life counterparts. They build common approaches to resolving problems and realizing opportunities. Importantly, they learn how to create value together. They build working relationships based on mutual respect that can deal well with differences, resulting in better solutions for all parties. Managements jointly agree to support the program and closely monitor the results.
Population. Each session runs with twenty-eight to thirty-two participants. Ideal candidates have been involved in internal decision-making or in formal and informal negotiations in the marketplace or inside the organization long enough that they have their own models for success, yet know that "there's got to be a better way." Do not hesitate to mix more experienced people with less experienced; each helps the other.

Venues. Dedicated sessions are run at residential conference centers of your choice. We provide your training people detailed program requirements or work with them to identify an appropriate venue. Click on Venues to view several conference centers that have done a fine job of hosting the workshop.
Costs. Click on Workshop Costs for pricing dedicated programs. These costs can be shared among several companies when they join together to participate in external counterpart-matching (value stream) programs. Companies also frequently save substantially on travel time and cost for their participants.
Contact us to discuss your situation or to ask for a conceptual proposal.